These shorts from Bitching & Junkfood are ridiculously cool! I found them when looking through Urban Outfitters homepage, and I instantly fell in love. I wouldn't style them like on the pictures above, though. I would pull them off with black tights, Atacomas and my transparent H&M shirt. So, as I sat there, drooling all over my computer while imagining them hanging in my closet, I decided that instead of buying them I would make them into a DIY-project. Since I'm sick today I had plenty of time on my hands, so I took a pair of old shorts, some black fabric and started sewing. They are not totally finished yet, but when they are - I'll show you. Cross your fingers for a good result!
You can buy the shorts here (link) for 60 pounds. They're gorgeous, right?
EDIT: Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, I have absolutely no idea what went wrong!