80% of you'll probably just stop reading right now, because I'm going to write endlessly in this post. But please, read this sh*t. It's for you, my lovelies.
Really, I just want to thank you. I realized that I've never really thanked you. I'm not going to make this a really ceremonious post, but I think it's important to say these things. The blog has reached 880 followers on Google Reader and 500 on Bloglovin' - which means a total of 1380 followers, and more visitors for every day that's passing by! But hey - let's stop bragging and get to the point - thank you! Thank you to all who's following, reading the blog, commenting, asking me questions on formspring and so on. It means so much to me! Thanks!
So tell me -you know so much about me - I want to know about you.
Who are you?
Where do you live?
Do you have a blog?
Time to comment, let's get to know each other - time for shameless self-promoting guys!